  • Logan
  • Rating:/10 | Duration: | Country:United State | Language:English
  • In 2029, no mutants have been born in 25 years. An aging Logan's healing ability is failing. Working as a limo driver in El Paso, Texas, he and mutant tracker Caliban care for 90-year-old Charles Xavier, Logan's mentor and founder of the X-Men, in an abandoned smelting plant in northern Mexico. Xavier has developed dementia that causes him to have destructive seizures; it is alluded that one year prior, one such seizure released a powerful wave of his telepathic powers that resulted in the deaths of six hundred people, including several of the X-Men.
  • Genres: Superherofilm |
  • Star Cast: Hugh Jackman Patrick Stewart Richard E. Grant Boyd Holbrook Stephen Merchant Dafne Keen |